It was hard at first. I always told you, from fhe beginning, that there was no way it could last. It was simply "too nuts."
It was to far outside the norm. Plus I simply had too many things wrong.
But there were times that it was so good. Bordering in Perfect. Too good to be able to hold on to. Except in my memories.
So much was given to me during that time. I recall a statement, is is better to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all? It was better to have loved. It was the most wonderful of feelings. I think of the things I thought then and amazing things happen inside me. In my head, but also throughout my entire body.
There is only one thing I can say:
THANK YOU. You are an amazing woman. Perfect in every way. The time I spent with you was the most fulfilling, most enriching, most satisfying time of my life. I have loved. It was you. And always will be you.