Turns out, it's neither. It is still a relationship between two people. Two people whose needs and wants often converge and (almost equally) diverge.
Any relationship requires mutual respect and admiration to grow successfully and healthily. I remain ever the jerk. I cannot not change. The duality of my nature, the push-pull: so giving, yet such a selfish jerk is even on display in this situation. As always, the jerk is tolerated because the good guy is so good. But eventually, the jerkiness will be too much.
I am aware of the jerkiness. Even took to apologizing for it today. There is no excuse. Why allow this duality to exist? 1. Identify issue✔️. 2. Take corrective action. 3. Reevaluate.
I only ever make it to step 1. This situation is completely different than any I've ever known. This is about getting what I need through giving, which is common theme. But this is so different. I must end the jerkiness.