Arrived Tues @ 7:10am, discharged Wed, 11/26 @ 11am.
Did not get out of Recovery until 4pm.
Was on O2 by nose until 5am. Then was helped out of bed and made lap around hall, on knee walker, with nurse in toe.
Doc showed at 7:30am. Dietary delivered brkfst, ice pop, jello, chicken broth, two 32oz powerade zero.
Doc said repairs successful. Only (irregularly) was that my stomach (organ) was very thick. Thickest she had ever worked with.
Nutritionist showed while doc still there. Not much to add. Drink as much fluid as possible. Any issues, both said to call.
First BM Sat, very hard nuggets. Followed by looser movement this morn (Sun).
No Pain.
B/S avg around 200. Taking crushed up Metformin (since Thurs). Ate each day crushed up in jello pudding.
Still very weak. Still enduring.
She (Doc) did not use mesh in hernia (umbilical) repair.
I spend a lot of time thinking about the two TV and two laptops being stolen. And that they came back for the truck with the spare key. It makes me sad that they would steal from someone with nothing.
I probablly will not even replace TVs. living without a laptop is a little harder. These iDevices are OK for a lot of things. But not for everything.
I saw a PIC of Mak today. It has now been over a year since I brought her back from Patti's on a bus.
Weird. I was working 2 jobs, one 50 hr and one 25 hour, plus going to Grad school at FSU (3 hour drive) for 9 credits- that's full time in Grad school- and stil had time for that kid EVERY WEEK,
I hope she's happy. Life without a Mommy. I still miss Danielle. Everyday.
Rigth now is a period of separation from my Mommy. I don't like it, but I will learn to live with it. We always hae to adjust. I'm sure this will be the hardest one. Dani was tough. Tara was tough. Dave was tough. Lisa was the toughest. Mak was tough. Rose was tough. Trista was tough. Now my Mom.
I used to be the one who left. Ever since I losst my manhood in that 2005 accident, others are making that choice, not me. Weird. My Dad is still there. Brooks is still there. Mark is still there. To some extent, Patti and Rebecca are still there. Mary has her own issues. But mostly I am now isolated. Unable to do forr others, they have cut ties. Hmmm. Utility. It is important.