Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 66. Giving up, giving in

This ride to the bottom is too hard. 

Dermatologist appt today. 

Schd Remicade is Dec 11. 

I'm hoping he can get them to take me this week, Maybe Wed, day 68?

Still hole in foot. Foot doc gave note indicating free of infection. 

Still have a wound vac attached. Still getting visited by nurse M-W-F. 

The pain is excruciating. The pain is unbearable. Yet is soldier on. 

Here is a shot of my back. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 55-- for Lisa

The thing I could not teach you
I taught you all to well
As demonstrated in late February 
When you said, "Go to hell!"

I could not get you 
To part with clothes for babies
But you discarded my soul
In an awful hurry. 

I look back on that day
And the events which led
To us parting ways
Me almost left for dead. 

The source of the contention?
The seed of our discord?
Sprung from your resentment 
Of the forced discourse. 

Between me and him
You thought that it was right
But it was your only sin
And the source of every fight. 

What did you think we'd say?
Talk of Sports & politics?
Opposites in every way,
It was bound to turn to this. 

A man 3 times a cheat (at least)
Who holds you in contempt 
Of course would turn our speech
To the things he did resent 

The things I was there to help with
Quick became Our undoing
In conversation the sole topic
For a year almost- our ruining. 

I saw in you perfection
While he was pointing out flaws
Against better discretion 
For you I simply adored

I should have fought to stay with you
I simply did not know how
So I started figuring out what to do
Make plans for the there and now

I thought I'd wage the fight
From without, distraction free
My plan was short of sight
As you completely cut off from me. 

I thought that You I would see
Continue with assisting
That was not to be 
Contact with you non-existent

Now I'm back where you first saved me
In September 2010
Only now it's October 2013
And I'm without you, friend 

Same arc, same suffering
Not the same without your compassion
Now I'm wishing for an end rushing
But it's really just in the same fashion

Except without you, friend
Your kindness, and your touch
Making living through this new end
Something that frightens me (much)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Oct 15, 2007

It was about this time (2 am) I woke up, not that I was really sleeping. Danielle had pushed our dinner to very late Sun night. We shut the Olive Garden down. 

I awoke at this time every Monday morning that fall. I left home around 3 am, Tallahassee bound. I worked out of CPIC offices in Tallahassee from 6-12:30 before heading off to FSU. 

About 10:30, I received a call from a woman. "She's dead, Joey," she said in almost a half sob. "Danielle is dead." It was my sistet's mother-in-law. 

"What?" was all I could say in response. "I'm in Tallahassee, so it'll take me 3 hours to get back."

I called my professors, explaining the situation. In graduate school, you did not just 'skip' the once weekly class. 

I drove back. As I was pulling into the Jax area, I recd another call. "No need to come here," Danielle's husband on the other end. They've taken her away. 

6 years. 
No mother for Makynzi. 
No daughter for my Mother and Father. 
No sister for me, Mary, Patricia and Rebecca. 

It is still a sad day.  

My existence

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Yesterday I was reminded

I went into the hospital 11/2010. 

I was under the loving care of my friend. I was totally inflamed with P. Like never before. 

I spent my time going from the bed in her guest room to the tub (4 ft). 

I went to emergency room because I had not gone to the bathroom in a week. This is what I was reminded of. I totally forgot. My mother reminded me. 

Everyone was so generous then. Lisa tried to provide me physical comfort. Even when in the hospital, she came everyday, lying in the bed with me for about an hour, telling her stories. 

But the doctors there did nothing for me. They 'suggested' that I was losing moisture through the skin and did not have a need to urinate. But wastes were building up. The treatment they put me on was saline IV. 

At the end of 5 days, with no treatment for P being provided, I told the hospital staff I wanted to be discharged. 

I had a pending flight to Texas. I figured I should let what ever was going to happen in Texas where my parents were. 

But when I went to Texas, my cousin (rheumatologist Jack Cush, MD) provided me medical care including weekly shots of Humira. He got me in with a dermatologist who provided me 3 weeks of cyclosporine. Additionally, my cousin wrote prescriptions for methotrexate and prednisone. 

I should not have accepted the treatment. I didn't know. I am now in te same predicament in Oct2013 that I was in Sept2010. Only this time I'm working on my second September lower left leg infection in two years. 

Last year, I went to hospital with swollen ankle and had surgery. This year, I had a hole in the bottom of my foot. I went to the same podiatrist instead of going to the hospital. It's 7 weeks later, I've had 8 different prescriptions, 6 for 5 different pills, a liquid wound preparation, and a wound covering that has active ingredients included silver and algae. 

Now, I have been fitted with a wound vac. Called Negative Pressure Wound therapy, it is a pump the provides constant indirect suction on the wound. 

All of this is so crazy. I've sold nothing for Mark or Brooks. I've never hot back to painting. This foot problem actually began July 23. 

I don't know. I miss my life. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

The isolation is almost complete (Day 45)

I saw Gravity this weekend. In IMAX 3D.  It took in $56 million. It was visually unbelievable. 

I am disappearing or maybe disappeared from Danielle's daughter, Makynzi's life. 

I only bother her & her dad about every other week at this point. She still does not do anything with me since I left Lisa. 

This week's text and response to Mak (her dad, NO REPLY). 

After the mabe (sic), no further response. 

I put my Mom & sisters that I will not be trying to get Mak as I have every anniversary of DeeVee's death (Oct15). 

That's why I titled this "The isolation is complete." Lisa told me that I would be abandoned & alone. She wasn't wrong. Even my niece. For whom I was a foster parent for just over 7 months. Who I spent years taking places, esp. Disney World. But everywhere else. At 10 1/2, she has outgrown it. 

Isolated. Just waiting for this curse to be complete. 

I never thought when I agreed to leave that Lisa would completely abandon me. I never thought that Dave would turn on me. While I am greatful for Mark, Brooks, they have little outside time to spend with me, or me with them. Case in point: this year, I was not even called on to do something with Brooks family for Linda's bday. 

I am cometely alone. Kathryn called in me today to help her with algebra 2 homework. I did so virtually using text, email and FaceTume. Absolute Value equations and graphing. 

I get to see Tara's boy a few times a week. I miss you, Tara. 2 years. 

I don't see your girl, Danielle. I miss you, Danielle. 6 years. 

Soon, I will be a memory. Looks like not a very good one. Oh, well. I gave everything. I am reaching a point if peace as I've started to let go of people. I always cared much more about people than things. I am almost rid competely of both. 

Just in the 7th week since the beginning of the end. More resolved then when I started about this choice. Soon, I'll be free.